Lippels Traum
Country: Germany
Genre: Family Adventure
11-year-old Philipp is simply called Lippel by everyone in his small town. When Lippel?s father, a famous chef, is called to America on business, Lippel is placed in the care of new housekeeper Mrs. Jakob. A domestic war soon erupts and Lippel escapes to a dream world. In this magical place the people he knows are characters in a thrilling fantasy about a kind but weak king (his father) and a wicked woman (Mrs Jakob) who wants to steal the throne.
- English
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- Karl Alexander Seidel
(Lippel) - Anke Engelke
- Amrita Cheema
- Steve-Marvin Dwumah
(Arslan) - Moritz Bleibtreu
- Marius Weingarten
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Page Last Modified: 4th November 2023
Page Added: 16th August 2009
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Just a bit too much slapstick for me, but still very much worth watching.
My Movie Rating: