Quando i bambini giocano in cielo
AKA: When Children Play in the Sky
Country: Italy
Genre: Drama
In a fjord studded with icebergs on the Eastern coast of Greenland, about ninety years ago, the young father of a newborn child is treacherously murdered. Ninety years later, Nicola Cremonini, an experienced tour operator, arrives in the same fjord to organise a tourist cruise through the fjords. The story develops on two parallel threads connected with one another and alternate throughout the film until they finally meet at the end. In both stories the leading character is a boy.
Reviews and Other Resources

- Bruno Stori
- Julian Ferro
- Angjiuk Jonathansen Bianco
- Pele Kristiansen
- Gedion Josvassen
Page Last Modified: 2nd September 2008
Page Added: 27th July 2008
Page Views: 4048
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