Zéro de conduite
Country: France
Genre: Drama
Returning to their repressive boarding school after the holidays, four boys organize a revolt against adult authority.
- Directed by the great French filmmaker and anarchist Jean Vigo (1905-1934)
- The film was first screened on April 7, 1933 in Paris. The premiere shocked many audience members who hissed and booed Vigo, though other audience members applauded loudly. Attacked in the press for its subversive outlook, the film was banned by the French Ministry of the Interior from 1933 to 1945. Since its rediscovery after the War, its reputation has grown, and it is now widely considered a cinematic masterpiece.
- For more information on "Z?ro de conduite", and on Vigo's films in general, read "Jean Vigo" by Michael Temple (Manchester University Press, reissue edition 2010).

- Louis Lefebvre
(Caussat) - Gilbert Pruchon
(Colin) - Coco Golstein
(Bruel) - Gérard de Bédarieux
(Tabard) - Jean Dasté
- Robert Le Flon
- Du Verron
- Delphin
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I'm with Saga and Carl on this one. How anyone can not like this exuberant, anarchic masterpiece is beyond me.

Page Last Modified: 17th April 2022
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 7543
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