Air Bud: Golden Receiver
Country: Canada
Genre: Family Comedy
In the first sequel to Air Bud, Josh has a problem when his widowed mother starts seeing the community's new veterinarian, Patrick Sullivan. Sullivan gives a football to Josh's golden retriever Buddy, and the athletic animal is soon girding for the gridiron. Coach Fanelli adds Josh as back-up quarterback to the junior high team, and an accident takes Josh off the bench and onto the field.

- Kevin Zegers
(Josh Framm) - Tim Conway
- Dick Martin
- Cynthia Stevenson
- Gregory Harrison
- Shayn Solberg
(Tom) - Tyler Thomspon
(Oliver) - Rhys Williams
(Goose) - Jason Anderson
(Weeble) - Myles Ferguson [ALUMNUS]
- Cory Fry
(Cole Powers)
BoyActors Reviews
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Worth seeing for Kevin Zegers, not otherwise.
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Another, (as nearly always) senseless remake.
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Page Last Modified: 17th April 2022
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 9964
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