Oliver Twist
TV Mini-Series
Country: UK
Genre: Drama
The second British miniseries adaptation of Charles Dickens' novel, Oliver Twist aired over the BBC in 1985. Ben Rodska essays the title character, a much-maligned orphan boy who, unbeknownst to himself, is heir to a vast fortune. Before finding this out, Oliver falls into the clutches of the delightfully wicked pickpocket Fagin and the wholly evil outlaw Bill Sikes. Other familiar characters include the insouciant street urchin Artful Dodger, the tragic Nancy Sykes, benevolent Mr. Brownlow, and the aptly named Bumble the Beadle.
- Ben Rodska
(Oliver Twist) - Scott Funnell
(Young Oliver Twist) - Eric Porter
- Michael Attwell
- David Garlick
(Artful Dodger) - Amanda Harris
- Frank Middlemass
- Godfrey James
- Damien Nash
BoyActors Reviews
3 member reviews/ratings for this TV Show
Average and Weighted Ratings are only available once a TV Show has received at least 5 ratings
Most recent review listed first
An absolutely stunning BBC TV series, absolutely faithful to the novel. Scott Funnell plays Young Oliver for the first episode (he's the one whose photo seems to be in all the publicity, perhaps because it is he who goes up to ask for 'more'); and then, ten minutes into the second episode (after a 'passage of time' sequence), Ben Rodska takes over as Oliver, for the remaining 11 episodes. He is an absolutely wonderful Oliver, perhaps the best there's ever been. Indeed, all the performers are wonderful - it is difficult imagining this miniseries being bettered.
My Movie Rating: 10 / 10Page Last Modified: 27th September 2019
Page Added: 15th July 2005
Page Views: 9120
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