AKA: Mirage
Country: Macedonia
Genre: Drama
13 year old Marko's life is bleak. His father has just been laid off and school is no better; he is relentlessly bullied by a gang. The boy finds solace in writing and is ecstatic when his teacher encourages him. However, when the teacher informs the school principal that Marko was involved in a petty crime (he is guilty, but was coerced into the act by local delinquents) the boy is crushed. He lashes out, stealing a gun from his tormentors. Hitting the bottom of a dangerous downward spiral, Marko returns to school to confront the teacher who gave him such false hope.
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Excellent film about a young boy who starts full of potential and hope but ends up buried in reality. Marko has a real talent and beautiful demeanor!
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Page Last Modified: 11th April 2010
Page Added: 7th May 2005
Page Views: 11744
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