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Watt on Earth

TV Series

Country: UK

Genre: Comedy, Family, Sci-Fi



Watt, an extraterrestrial in a shell suit who is the rightful heir to the throne of his home planet but who is forced to flee when his evil uncle seizes power, lands in the English town of Haxton and takes refuge in the home of young Sean Ruddock (Tom Brodie). When Watt's uncle sends fellow alien Jemadah to hunt and kill him, Sean helps Watt evade his would-be assassin. At the same time, he strives to keep Watt's presence in his home a secret from his family, a task helped by the fact that Watt is able to 'transanimateobjectify' - that is, he can take the form of any material object. Sean and Watt find themselves in many adventures, and over time become close friends.


  • Comprising two seasons of 12 episodes each. Each episode was approximately 15 minutes in length.
Picture for Watt on Earth


  • Tom Brodie
    (Sean Ruddock)
  • Garth Napier Jones
  • Simon Cook
    (Tom Ruddock)
  • John Grillo
  • Jessica Simpson
    (Zoe Ruddock)
  • Heather Wright
    (Val Ruddock)

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Page Last Modified: 22nd July 2019
Page Added: 9th March 2005

Page Views: 7983

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