Country: USA
Genre: Documentary
Portrays the lives of nine desperate teenagers. Thrown too young into a seedy grown up world, these runaways and castaways survive, but just barely. 16 year old Rat, the dumpster diver. Tiny, the teen prostitute. Shellie, the baby-faced blonde. DeWayne (shown in the cover photo at left), the hustler. All old beyond their years. All underage survivors fighting for life and love on the streets of downtown Seattle.

- Dewayne
- Kim
- Lillie
- Lulu
- Munchkin
- Patti
- Rat
- Shadow
- Shellie
- Tiny
BoyActors Reviews
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A heartbreaking documentary on life on the streets not by adults but by teenagers. Of the teenagers documented the one that stands out is Dewayne Pomeroy. With a mom who abandoned him and a father in jail, Dewayne bounced from one place to another during his stay in Seattle just to survive. He was also involved in petty crimes and while this film was being made he committed suicide in a juvenile jail. Only four people attended his funeral including his father and the two prison guards guarding him. Their stories were later made into the movie "American Heart", with Edward Furlong playing Dewayne's part.
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Page Last Modified: 14th August 2020
Page Added: 4th February 2005
Page Views: 5243
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A groundbreaking look at marginalised people.
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