Alla älskar Alice
AKA: Everybody Loves Alice
Country: Sweden
Genre: Drama
The effect of divorce on children seen through the eyes of twelve-year old Alice. Her father falls for another woman so her parents divorce. Alice in tandem with her new mother's son set out to destroy the relationship.
- English
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- Natalie Björk
- Lena Endre
- Mikael Persbrandt
- Marie Richardson
- Marie Göranzon
- Sverre Anker Ousdal
- Hege Schøyen
- Stasse Soulis
(Patrik) - Per Svensson
- Bisse Unger
(Pontus) - Marcus Ardai-Blomberg
BoyActors Reviews
7 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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One of the best kids-and-divorce movies, together with La Baule-les-Pins, Coup de foudre and the short The Big Dam. Definitely the best movie the talented Stasse Soulis has appeared in, though Det brinner! is also good.

I have an affinity for Swedish movies, perhaps, but this offers a glimpse of something for everyone, probably. The only possible "drawback" is that Stasse isn't actually the main character, although his role is substantial and he does a great job and looks marvelous.

Page Last Modified: 30th June 2012
Page Added: 20th October 2003
Page Views: 25925
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