The X Files
TV Series
Genre: Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Mulder is a believer in the paranormal. He has been assigned to the X-Files unit which investigates FBI cases for which standard investigatory techniques don't seem to work. Dana Scully, a medical doctor and FBI agent is a skeptic. Together they travel to FBI cases where something out of the ordinary has happened.
- This series originally comprised 9 seasons, which aired from 1993 to 2002. David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson were subsequently reunited for two further seasons, which aired in 2016 and 2018.
Notable Guest Appearances
- Joel Palmer in episode "Conduit" ep. 1.03 1993
- Keegan Macintosh in episode "Fire" ep. 1.11 1993
- Alex Doduk in episode "Miracle Man" ep. 1.17 1994
- Blair Slater in episode "Humbug" ep. 2.20 1995
- Kevin Zegers in episode "Revelations" ep. 3.11 1995
- Joel Palmer in episode "The Calusari" ep. 2.21 1995
- Cory Fry in episode "Home" ep. 4.02 1996
- Michal Suchánek in episode 5.14 "The Red and the Black" 1998
- Shia LaBeouf in episode "The Goldberg Variation" ep. 7.06 1999
- Jesse James in episode "The Unnatural" ep 6.19 1999
- Jeffrey Schoeny in episode "Trevor" ep. 6.17 1999
- Michal Suchánek in episode 6.11 "Two Fathers" 1999
- Cory Parravano in episode "En Ami" ep. 7.15 2000
- Ryan Todd in episode "First Person Shooter" ep. 7.13 2000
- Colton James in episode "Invocation" ep. 8.05 2000
- Jordan Blake Warkol in episode "Badlaa" ep. 8.10 2001
- Wyatt Smith in episode "Nothing Important Happened Today: Pt 2" ep. 9.02 2001
- Reece Morgan in episode "Salvage" ep. 8.09 2001
- Gavin Fink in episode "Scary Monsters" ep. 9.14 2002
- Jett Klyne in episode 11.1 "My Struggle III" 2018

- David Duchovny
- Gillian Anderson
- Robert Patrick
- Annabeth Gish
- Mitch Pileggi
BoyActors Reviews
3 member reviews/ratings for this TV Show
Average and Weighted Ratings are only available once a TV Show has received at least 5 ratings
Most recent review listed first

To me, the first 3 or 4 seasons were a treat. Practically all my favorite episodes fall outside of the 'aliens among us' thing, a running plot scheme which as the seasons wore on became very tiresome and incomprehensible. The 2 main characters, agents Mulder and Scully, had a unique and pleasing chemistry - never romantically involved but nevertheless devoted to one another and behaving exactly like a married couple.
My Movie Rating:

I watched the X-Files on a regular basis a few years ago. It's not for everyone. They have some boys appearing throughout the series, but I actually can't remember any of them. They didn't ever play much of a part in the series. It has other emphases.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 30th July 2019
Page Added: 12th October 2003
Page Views: 12037
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I liked the series up to the starting point of the" Aliens among us" as one of our other members put it, at that point, I also stopped watching, because that gives them an excuse to use blood and gore, and there is ALWAYS a way to work it in to a scene. Now that the show is availible on Netflix, I can pick and choose the Ep.s I want to watch! and the fisrt one will be "Revelation" with Keven Zegers guesting!
My Movie Rating: