School of Rock
Country: USA
Dewey (Jack Black), a down & out rock star, facing piling up debts and depression, poses as his roommate Ned (Mike White) as a 5th grade substitute teacher at an uptight private school where his attitude and hijinx have a powerful effect on his students. Hoping to win the prize money in a local "battle of the Bands" contest, Dewey forms a rock band with the kids in the class.
Reviews and Other Resources

- Jack Black
- Mike White
- Joan Cusack
- Sarah Silverman
- Kevin Alexander Clark
(Freddy Jones) - Miranda Cosgrove
- Joey Gaydos
(Zack Mooneyham) - Cole Hawkins
(Leonard) - Robert Tsai
(Lawrence) - Brian Falduto
(Billy) - Jordan-Claire Green
- James Hosey
(Marco) - Zachary Infante
(Gordon) - Angelo Massagli
BoyActors Reviews
14 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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As an old poop with an old and deep prejudice against rock (I first heard the name Buddy Holly in my 20's and I said "Who??")I knew this was a movie I would hate. I hated the first 2 minutes. After that - well, I don't know what happened, but I liked it. It was fun and even charming. If there had been rock music way back when, this is a movie Frank Capra could have made.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 18th November 2015
Page Added: 14th August 2003
Page Views: 11451
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