Amazing Stories
TV Series
Country: USA
Genre: Anthology
Television series created, produced, and twice directed by Steven Spielberg. Truly amazing, and sometimes odd stories are narrated. Many famous actors and actresses made guest appearances.
- 45 x 30 min episodes.
Notable Guest Appearances
- Lukas Haas in episode 1.01 "Ghost Train" 1985
- Benji Gregory in episode 1.03 "Alamo Jobe" 1985
- Elden Ratliff in episode 1.04 "Mummy Daddy" 1985
- Jeff Cohen in episode 1.10 "Remote Control Man" 1985
- Gabriel Damon in episode 1.11 "Santa '85" 1985
- Seth Green in episode 1.13 "The Sitter" 1986
- David Friedman in episode 1.16 "Gather Ye Acorns" 1986
- Taliesin Jaffe in episode 1.17 "Boo!" 1986
- Taliesin Jaffe in episode 2.03 "Magic Saturday" 1986
- Joshua Rudoy in episode 2.10 "Pumpkin Competition" 1986
- Jake Hart in episode 2.11 "What If...?" 1986
- Danny Ponce in episode 2.17 "Gershwin's Trunk" 1987
- Ian Fried in episode 2.18 "Such Interesting Neighbors" 1987

- Ray Walston...narrator
BoyActors Reviews
3 member reviews/ratings for this TV Show
Average and Weighted Ratings are only available once a TV Show has received at least 5 ratings
Most recent review listed first

A VERY uneven series. There were a few gems like the pilot, "Ghost Train" but many of the entries seemed like anecdotes, rather than stories with a beginning, middle and end. I had the impression Spielberg lost interest in this series very quickly, or that he was simply ill-suited to half-hour storytelling.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 1st August 2013
Page Added: 13th July 2003
Page Views: 12864
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There were some interesting "short" stories throughout this series, but my favorites were Lukas Haas (E01) in Ghost Train and Seth Green and Joshua Rudoy (E13) in The Sitter.
My Movie Rating: