The Zack Files
TV Series
Country: Canada
Genre: Fantasy
Strange things happen to Zack Greenburg. There's no doubt about it. The question is "why"? Why should this affable 12 year-old, average in every way, be a magnet for what scientists call "paranormal experiences?" The reason is actually quite simple: weird things happen to Zack because Zack knows something most other people don't: that life is weird - full of the odd, the spooky, the inexplicable - and the startling fact is, anyone can see it who is willing to open their eyes and look.
Notable Guest Appearances
- Daniel Clark in episode "But I'm Too Young to be My Dad" ep. 1.08 2000
- Mark Rendall in episode "Things to Do in Horace Hyde-White When You're Dead" ep. 2.12 2002

- Robert Clark
(Zack Greenburg) - Jake Epstein
(Cam Dunleavey) - Michael Seater
(Spencer Sharpe) - Katie Boland
- Noah Giffin
(Vernon) - Jeff Clarke
- Kyle Kassardjian
(Christopher Dickie) - Brett Moon
- Ryan Moon
BoyActors Reviews
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Page Last Modified: 26th November 2019
Page Added: 22nd June 2003
Page Views: 10873
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