The Fallen Idol
Country: UK
Genre: Drama
Philippe, 8 year old son of an ambassador in London, is left for a weekend in the care of the butler Baines and his stern housekeeper-wife. Baines, whom Philippe worships, is in love with Julie, a typist at the embassy. The little boy follows the lovers to a tea shop and overhears their decision to part, as the future can hold no happiness for them. Later, while spying on Julie, Mrs Baines accidently falls to her death from a window. Terrified, thinking that Baines has murdered his wife, the boy runs into the street in his pyjamas.
- Adapted from the Graham Greene story 'The Basement Room'
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Also see Carol Reed's better-known classic The Third Man.

Page Last Modified: 7th May 2022
Page Added: 14th April 2003
Page Views: 12909
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It's a great presentation of how seemingly irrelevant amiable and generous gestures, but also abuse and neglect can shape the decisions children make. Every adult treats this child differently and it all has consequences, sometimes sooner, sometimes later.