Artus, Merlin a Prchlici
Country: Czech Republic
Genre: Family Comedy
Arthur is the Prchlík family's darling Dalmatian and village pet. Grandma Prchlík is somewhat muddle-headed and lets a stray dog in by mistake. This Merlin is the spitting image of Arthur, just as beautiful but much naughtier. The neighbors soon lose track of which dog is which and many hilarious situations arise to plague the adults and delight the children.

- Valerie Kaplanova
- Pavel Novy
- Veronika Jenikova
- Lukás Janota
(Pepek) - Martin Jurcík
(Dan) - Zbynek Nosál
(Ondra) - Michal Vacek
Page Last Modified: 14th August 2023
Page Added: 12th April 2003
Page Views: 11507
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