- Any Human Heart [TV Mini-Series] (2010) (as Lionel, as a Boy - ep. 2)
- Seed of Love [Short] (2010) (as Arthur Jr.)
- The Theory [Short] (2010) (as Cristopher)
- Anathema [Short] (2012) (as Boy)
- Incandescent Noise [Short] (2012) (as Young Dom)
- Night in a Hotel [Short] (2012) (as Son)
- Real Life Superhero [Short] (2012) (as James)
- The Eschatrilogy: Book of the Dead (2012) (as George)
- Scar Tissue (2013) (as Young Boy)
- Three Seconds [Short] (2013) (as Boy)
- TEOTFW [TV Short] (2014) (as Young James)
- The Mirrors of the Sun [Short] (2014)
- The Soul Proprietor [Short] (2014) (as Little Boy)
- Tigre og tatoveringer [UK Version] [Short] (2014) (as Sigurd)
- Looking for Albert [Short] (2015)
- Offside [Short] (2015) (as Rival Boy)
- Robert (2015) (as Gene Otto)
- A Fistful of Candy (2016) (as Jesse)
- House of Salem (2016) (as Peter)
- A Suburban Fairytale (2017) (as Tom)
- Reading Lindsay Keegan's Diary (2017) (as Max)
- Entebbe (2018) (as Kobi Cohen)
- The Last Boy (2019) (as Sira)
Guest Appearances
- Guilt (2016) ("The Eye of the Needle" ep. 1.05, as Young Patrick)
Page Last Modified: 8th January 2019
Page Added: 5th January 2019
Page Views: 7362
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