Reviews by varelse
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12 reviews/ratings

Les amitiés particulières (1964)
Do not watch if you're in the mood for something light and fluffy. This is an intense movie. That being said, when you're emotionally ready, you must watch it! It made me laugh and me, this movie is like a modern Romeo & Juliet. Their love is forbidden for multiple reasons. Not only are the two protagonists gay, but there is a bit of an age difference between them. Without giving too much away, I will just say that I think this movie is quiet underrated and it deserves to be much more popular.

The Innocents (1961)

Little Evil (2017)
I could even give it a 10 out of 10. I think it was perfect for what it was! :) A very cute and funny movie that makes references to classic horror films. But if you're looking for something scary, this movie is not scary at all.
My Movie Rating:

Oliver! (1968)
I watched this back in summer. It's fall now, and I'm still fairly obsessed.
My Movie Rating:

Village of the Damned (1960)
Before I start this review I have to speak the truth: I am biased because I love this actor.
That being said, I can say this is easily one of my favorite movies. It's based on a book called "The Midwich Cuckoos". I believe it is something of a cult classic and has been referenced in modern horror films and TV shows, such as American Horror Story. This movie does creepy in a kitschy way with psychic children walking around with tacky blonde wigs and blank expressions, much to the horror of the townsfolk, who try desperately to control them. The villains are supposedly these sinister children, but I find myself cheering for them. It can be enjoyed simply as an entertaining horror movie, but I believe this movie has a deeper meaning hidden within it, if one chooses to look for it.

Insidious (2010)
This is an exciting and creepy movie about a family trying to save a boy from being possessed. But, like others said, it doesn't feature him too much. Still, a fun movie to watch for Halloween.
My Movie Rating:

Pan (2015)
My Movie Rating:

The Awakening (2011)
My Movie Rating:

The Boy (2015)
Reminds me a bit of reading a Stephen King novel. Starts off slowly, but the action ramps up for an exciting ending.
My Movie Rating:

Night of the Hunter (1955)
Beautiful cinematography and an interesting storyline.
My Movie Rating:

Peter Pan (2003)
My Movie Rating:

The Ring (2002)
I'm not usually a fan of remakes, but this one did a great job. It changed a few things from the Japanese version and the result is a very unique and creepy movie with a great set and great cinematography. The boy doesn't appear very much though. Still, a thoroughly creative and enjoyable movie.
My Movie Rating:

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