Country: USA
Genre: Drama
Four boys growing up in Hell's Kitchen play a prank that leads to an old man getting hurt. Sentenced to no less than one year in the Wilkenson Center in upstate New York, the four friends are changed by the beating, humiliation and sexual abuse by the guards sworn to protect them. Ten years later and a chance meeting lead to a chance for revenge against the Wilkenson Center and the guards.

- Kevin Bacon
- Robert DeNiro
- Dustin Hoffman
- Brad Pitt
- Brad Renfro
(Young Michael Sullivan) - Geoffrey Wigdor
(Young John Reilly) - Joseph Perrino
(Young Lorenzo 'Shakes' Carcaterra) - Jonathan Tucker
(Young Tommy Marcano)
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Revenge drama, interesting but overblown.
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This is one of those rare movies that are way better than the book. Everyone in it gives a superior performance.

Page Last Modified: 4th February 2011
Page Added: 30th March 2003
Page Views: 18896
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Not often you get four teen boy actors in one film and showing off their bodies in some scenes too. Not often, either, you get four adult big screen names in one film. The four boys were great in their parts but had to disappear half way through the film. Okay but nothing great.
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