The Choir
TV Miniseries
Country: UK
Genre: Drama
This mini-series, based on Joanna Trollope's novel, explores the internal politics and scandals of a British cathedral choir school. It features the singing voice of first-time actor and boy treble soloist Anthony Way, a real-life student at the St. Paul's Cathedral Choral School in London.
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Joanna Trollope's book and a galaxy of well-known actors ensured that this series about a cathedral close was a great success. Anthony Way was the icing on the cake, a good actor with a pleasant singing voice. Also worth a mention are James Hopkins for his excellent singing and Edward Hughes for his freckles and grin.
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Page Last Modified: 17th April 2022
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 9894
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Nice enough, lovely singing from Gloucester Cathedral Choir, though the selection of stodgy Victorian music could have done with some variation. That the future star chorister just walks in with a great voice isn't realistic -- singing like that takes a lot of training, and Anthony Way's St Paul's classmate Connor Burrowes was a far better treble in any case. Way, however, had the looks and the screen presence, used to great advantage here.
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