Au revoir les enfants
Country: France
Genre: Drama
During WWII, in a Catholic boarding school in the French countryside, two boys become friends. One is a French boy, Julien Quintin, and the other is a Jewish boy, Jean Bonnet, who is being hidden from the Nazis by the friars who run the school. Louis Malle directed this film based on what actually happened when he was at a boarding school himself during the war.
Reviews and Other Resources

- Gaspard Manesse
(Julien) - Raphael Fejtö
(Bonnet) - Francois Negret
(Joseph) - Francine Racette
- Stanislas Carre de Malberg
- Philippe Morier-Genoud
- Francois Berleand
BoyActors Reviews
16 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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I was dumb struck when I first saw this film. I used the final phrase of the head friar Au revoir les enfants when I leave a group of people. Haunting and the voice over at the end was chilling.
My Movie Rating:

Also see Malle's Lacombe, Lucien, a remarkably good film about a rather stupid and cruel youth in rural southern France who joins the German police and becomes involved with a Jewish girl.

Page Last Modified: 26th February 2011
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 22609
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