Warriors of Virtue
Country: USA
Genre: Adventure
A young man, Ryan, suffering from a disability, wishes to join the other kids on his school's football team. During an initiation rite, Ryan is swept away through a whirlpool to the land of Tao. There he is hunted by the evil Lord Komodo, who desires the boy as a key to enter the real world. Ryan is rescued by the protectors of Tao, five humanoid kangaroos, each embued with the five elements and virtues. Ryan learns a valuable lesson while saving the land of Tao.

- Angus MacFayden
- Mario Yedidia
(Ryan Jeffers) - Marley Shelton
- Chao Li Chi
- Rickey D'Shon Collins
BoyActors Reviews
9 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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I really enjoyed this movie! Mario Yedidia as 'Ryan Jeffers' was excellent in the film!
There were some problems with the film like the dialog being right on the nose, over the top acting by some of the other cast members, unnecessary scenes that didn't further the plot, and continuity errors.
Even with all the problems, I still loved Mario Yedidia's performance. He was absolutely great! Wish he would have been in more films.
Mario Yedidia was nominated for 'Young Artist Award -- Best Performance in a Feature Film - Leading Young Actor' at the Young Artist Awards 1998.
And the film was nominated 'Best Film -- International Fantasy Film Award' Fantasporto 1998.
Beautifully photographed by cinematographer Peter Pau on Kodak film in fantastic Panavision Cinemascope.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 15th March 2023
Page Added: 12th March 2003
Page Views: 10521
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