The Ring
Country: USA
Genre: Horror
Four teenagers die mysteriously after watching a strange video tape. A young journalist and mother investigating the story watches the tape and realizes that she has seven days to solve the mystery and save her own life, as well as that of her son. One of the biggest box office hits of the year. A remake of the hugely successful 1998 Japanese movie 'Ringu'.
- American remake of Ringu (1998)
BoyActors Reviews
13 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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I'm not usually a fan of remakes, but this one did a great job. It changed a few things from the Japanese version and the result is a very unique and creepy movie with a great set and great cinematography. The boy doesn't appear very much though. Still, a thoroughly creative and enjoyable movie.
My Movie Rating:

like i've said before, I love scary movies, especially IF boys are in them! David is adorable, the has a Claravoiant ability and Samara uses this to her advantage. A great movie!

Page Last Modified: 1st May 2022
Page Added: 9th March 2003
Page Views: 10619
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