The Swarm
Country: USA
Genre: Thriller
Killer bees from South America have been breeding with the gentler bees of more northern climes, slowly extending their territory northward decade after decade. Entomologist Brad Crane (Michael Caine) has discovered that something is making them come together in huge, killer swarms. He wants to keep the General Slater (Richard Widmark) from using military tactics from further upsetting the balance of nature as they join to try to stop the swarms from approaching Houston.

- Michael Caine
- Katharine Ross
- Richard Widmark
- Richard Chamberlain
- Olivia de Havilland
- Ben Johnson
- Lee Grant
- José Ferrer
- Patty Duke
- Slim Pickens
- Bradford Dillman
- Fred MacMurray
- Henry Fonda
- Cameron Mitchell
- Christian Juttner
(Paul Durant) - Chris Petersen
(Hal) - Jerry Toomey
(Eddie) - Joey Eisnach
(Bee Boy)
BoyActors Reviews
5 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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I really liked it! Classic 70's film.
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the boys were great, A decent movie, I saw it recently online!
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Christian Jutner has a fairly minor but aesthetically pleasing role in this disaster turkey. The best fun is had identifying the over-the-top cast and watching them deliver some of the worst performances of their careers.
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Page Last Modified: 21st December 2004
Page Added: 2nd March 2003
Page Views: 8653
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