A Home of Our Own
Country: USA
Genre: Drama
In early 1960s Los Angeles, a family struggles to make ends meet. Like many who still believe in the American Dream, the widowed Frances wishes to put down roots and find a home. Prideful Frances loses her job, and suddenly rootless, she takes what little money they have and she and her gaggle of children venture out of the big city and head into rural Idaho.

- Kathy Bates
- Edward Furlong
(Shayne Lacey) - Clarissa Lassig
- Sarah Schaub
- Miles Feulner
(Murray Lacey) - Amy Sakasitz
- T.J. Lowther
(Craig Lacey)
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This movie gives a great message of how a family makes sacrifices and sticks together. It's inspiring. I think on some level, all families can relate to this fictional one.
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Page Last Modified: 1st May 2016
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 9243
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