Fly Boy
AKA: One Last Flight
Country: USA
Genre: Family
10 year old Ray just wants to help his grandfather's dream come true. Grandpa is ready to go to a retirement home. He just wants to fly one of his WWII flying planes one last time. Ray's parents and the neighborhood bully, however, are going to do everything they can to stand in the way of the dream.

- Miko Hughes
(Ray) - James Karen
- Kathleen Lloyd
- Gregory Itzin
- Joshua Boyd
(Eddie The Sandwich) - Brittany Alyse Smith
- Paul Robert Langdon
(Second Kid) - Lucky Luciano
(First Kid) - Jacob Stein
(Fourth Kid)
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Page Last Modified: 26th March 2017
Page Added: 18th February 2003
Page Views: 6781
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with the exception of Miko, there's not much good about this movie.
My Movie Rating: