Fighting Father Dunne
Country: USA
Genre: Drama
A sentimental Hollywood tear-jerker based on a true story, reminiscent of Boys Town. A tough parish priest befriends a group of newsboys from poor or broken homes in St. Louis at the turn of the century

- Pat O'Brien
- Darryl Hickman [ALUMNUS]
(Matt Davis) - Charles Kemper
- Una O'Connor
- Arthur Shields
- Donn Gift [ALUMNUS]
(Jimmy) - Billy Gray
(Chip) - Billy Cummings
(Tony) - Freddie Chapman [ALUMNUS]
- Gene Collins
(Lefty) - Rudy Wissler
(Boy Soloist) - Leon Burbank
(Ed) - Timmy Hawkins
(Urchin Boy) - Lanny Rees
BoyActors Reviews
4 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
Average and Weighted Ratings are only available once a Movie has received at least 5 ratings
Most recent review listed first

Corny, cheesy, predictable piece of Catholic propaganda. I'd love to see a film studio, today, try to make a movie about a Catholic priest who's primary interest is setting up a home for boys. I think it'd be a hard sell.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 1st May 2022
Page Added: 18th February 2003
Page Views: 7349
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