Blue Jeans
Country: France
Genre: Drama
11 y/o Julien is sent to England to improve his English language skills. There, he has his first real contact with girls and falls for Janet, who is a year or so older. She is more interested in an older French boy, Jean-Pierre. Julien is far from jealous, in fact he becomes a bit "infatuated" with the Jean-Pierre himself. Things are just fine between the three until their peers begin teasing Julien and Jean-Pierre, concluding they are "queer". Jean-Pierre, thus begins to distance himself from Julien.
- English
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- Gilles Budin
(Julien) - Michel Gibet
(Jean-Pierre) - Gabriel Cattand
- Gerard Croce
- Pierre Bonzans
- Berangere Dautun
- Daina Lavarenne
- Fabrice Rouleav
BoyActors Reviews
8 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Charming actors and above all it shows a realistic confusion of love.

Tender, realistic, moving and quite original film full of charming young actors. Gilles Budin is an expressive lead.

Page Last Modified: 6th February 2016
Page Added: 15th February 2003
Page Views: 16629
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