TV Movie
Country: Germany
Genre: Drama
During a soccer game, young Hannes is hit in the head by a ball and falls into coma. He has suffered massive cerebral hemorrhages and the doctors declare him brain dead. His parents, Esther and her ex-husband Frank, face the most difficult decision ever: should they let Hannes go and have the life support devices turned off?
- Katharina Marie Schubert
- Carlo Ljubek
- Sarah Mahita
- Luise Heyer
- Mikke Emil Rasch
(Hannes) - Ilyes Moutaoukkil
(Yusuf) - Casper Langer
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Page Last Modified: 13th August 2024
Page Added: 13th August 2024
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A very unusual film. What one expects when they see a movie is it will turn out mostly to your liking. But the director decided to make this movie a little bit different; thus, giving us what may happen if things do not come out the way we expect. And not only one but two boys were used to carry this out. It just goes to show that yes, some things do happen whether we like it or not.
My Movie Rating: 4 / 10