Eerie, Indiana
TV Series
Country: USA
Genre: Comedy
Marshall Teller's family moves to the small country town of Eerie, Indiana (Pop. 16,661). There, Marshall discovers that Eerie, as he puts it, 'is the center of weirdness for the universe'. Elvis lives there, so do a pair of twins who stay young by sleeping in Tupperware, and many other strange things. Each episode, Marshall and his friend Simon collect evidence about the creepy things that happen there.
- This series led to a spin-off series, Eerie, Indiana: The Other Dimension (1998).
Notable Guest Appearances
- Gabriel Damon in episode 1.03 "The ATM Machine" 1991
- Christian Cousins in episode 1.05 "Scariest Home Videos" 1991

- Omri Katz
(Marshall Teller) - Justin Shenkarow
(Simon Holmes) - Julie Condra
- Francis Guinan
- Mary-Margaret Humes
BoyActors Reviews
10 member reviews/ratings for this TV Show
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I gave this a couple extra points because of Justin Shenkarow; my favorite actor in this series. Omri was OK but Justin was a little better.
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This show started off quite well with some interesting, comical plotlines but lost steam in the later episodes. In fact, it only ran for 19 of them! Great performances from Omri Katz and Justin Shenkarow of course.
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This series was a good series and different at times.
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Page Last Modified: 16th April 2022
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 17223
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