Country: Norway
Genre: Drama
A bleak story of loyalty, friendship, loss of innocence and betrayal among young street kids caught in a spiral of crime (the Norwegian title is street slang for "cool"), which was a critical and box office smash hit in Norway. Erik Poppe?s debut feature centres on one crucial week in the lives of a group of five boys ? the eldest 15, the youngest 11 ? on the streets of Oslo who devote their time to petty crime and burglaries, until they get involved in the drug scene.

- Maikel Andressen Abou-Zelof
(Jonas) - Jalal Zahedjekta
(Emir) - Stian Bonnevie Arntzen
(Boy from Westside) - Mickael Marman
(Ali) - Zeth Raknes
(Little Jan) - Sharjil Arshed
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Page Last Modified: 28th April 2022
Page Added: 9th December 2002
Page Views: 6685
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