Country: USA
Genre: Comedy
Tom Winston, a widower, is trying to understand and raise three precocious children alone. He gets a little unexpected help from Cinzia, when the children decide she is be the new maid. She is actually an Italian socialite who is trying to get away from her overprotective father.
BoyActors Reviews
11 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Loved it! Very funny and uplifting. Great performances from the boys, especially Charles Herbert!
My Movie Rating:

Superb acting by all! the boys were great! one of my favs!
Here's a tidbit: Paul Petersen is an advacate for the Rights of Child actors, I think he's a Lawyer, he probably helps kids enforce the Coogan Act upon their parents!

Page Last Modified: 8th December 2015
Page Added: 9th November 2002
Page Views: 6763
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