My Parents Are Aliens
TV Series
Country: UK
Genre: Family Comedy
Orphaned siblings Mel, Josh and Lucy Barker, soon discover that their new foster parents, Brian and Sophie Johnson, are in fact aliens from the planet Valux, who crash-landed on Earth when Brian tampered with the controls of their spaceship. Brian and Sophie start out with a very limited and muddled knowledge of life on Earth, and the children must do their best to help them acclimate. No one outside the family must ever learn that they are aliens, or they will be taken away for scientific experiments, and the Barkers will lose yet another set of parents. In the final Season, the Johnsons adopt a new set of orphan kids - the Bennets.
- Comprising 106 episodes spread over 8 seasons

- Tony Gardner
- Alex Kew
(Josh Barker (1999-2005) - Charlotte Francis
- Carla Mendon
- Danielle McCormack
- Daniel Feltham
(Dan Bennet 2006) - Jake Young
(Eddie Bennet 2006)
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Page Last Modified: 26th April 2022
Page Added: 19th July 2002
Page Views: 15992
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very good uk comedy tv show program
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