Jacob Two Two Meets the Hooded Fang
Country: Canada
Genre: Family Adventure
Jacob Two Two got his nickname for always repeating himself because no one in his family would ever listen the first time. When he goes to the store, the grocer thinks Jacob is making fun of him by repeating his order and has Jacob arrested and sent away to Slimers Island. There he meets the Hooded Fang, a famous ex-wrestler who hates children. Jacob must try to save not only himself but all the other kids.
- Based on the children's books of Mordecai Richler.

- Max Morrow
(Jacob Two Two) - Gary Busey
- Miranda Richardson
- Ice-T
- Jake Goldsbie
(Oscar) - Robbie Bugbee
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Max Morrow was great!
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Must see the original film. Much better.
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Page Last Modified: 26th April 2022
Page Added: 19th July 2002
Page Views: 9276
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