La Fracture du myocarde
AKA: Cross My Heart
Country: France
Genre: Drama
12 year old Martin's behavior changes radically at school. He doesn't talk or laugh any more. His school friends discover that his mother died some days ago. Now he is frightened of being sent to orphanage so his friends decide to help him out.
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- Sylvain Copans
(Martin) - Nicolas Parodi
(Jerome) - Mathieu Poussin
(Nicolas) - Olivier Montiege
(Antoine) - Benoît Gautier
(Julien) - Romuald Jarny
(Pierrot) - Kaldi el Hadj
(Dede) - Wilfrid Flandrin
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Story good. Acting sub-par.
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Page Last Modified: 18th March 2017
Page Added: 9th June 2002
Page Views: 13713
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