La Classe de neige
AKA: Class Trip
Country: France
Genre: Drama
Nicolas is an insecure child plagued by visions of disasters and accidents. His peers tease him, or ignore him. Even his teachers are frustrated by his lack of social skills. His paranoid father is of little help. During a class skiing trip he takes ill, his visions become more intense. The line between reality and hallucination blurs as his visions begin to come true when Police find a murdered child in the woods.
- Adapted from Emmanuel Carrere?s acclaimed novel of the same name.
- Winner of the Special Jury Prize at the 1998 Cannes Film Festival.
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- Clément van den Bergh
(Nicolas) - Lokman Nalcakan
- François Roy
- Yves Verhoeven
- Tom Jacon
(Nicolas' Little Brother)
BoyActors Reviews
14 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Disturbingly emotional portrait of adolescent anxiety for a boy dealing with his burgeoning sexuality. Nicolas' unstated but clear attraction for the class 'wiseguy' who takes him under his wing leads to an unraveling of the distinction between truth and falsehood. Ends a little abruptly, I would've preferred more resolution.

Page Last Modified: 10th July 2022
Page Added: 10th May 2002
Page Views: 10361
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