Angels in the Attic
AKA: The Robin Hood Gang
Country: USA
Genre: Family
Two boys find a bank robber's loot in the attic of their apartment block. Instead of telling someone or spending it themselves, they buy things for their needy neighbors. When the robber discovers they have taken his loot, he gives them an ultimatum - return the money or else. The boys are in a dilemma, they wanted to give away the remaining money to a neighbour who needs it for a life-saving operation for their daughter.

- Clayton Taylor
(Brad) - Steven Losack
(Frankie) - Dalin Christiansen
- Brenda Price
- Scott Christopher
- Carlton Bluford
(Buddy) - Tony J. Rivas
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I never watch this movie again. Ok once.
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Page Last Modified: 25th April 2022
Page Added: 1st May 2002
Page Views: 8872
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