Milk Money
Country: USA
Genre: Comedy
Young Frank and his mates pool their savings, bicycle to the City, and hire a hooker to strip for them. She gives them a ride home and spends the night in Frank's treehouse. Frank tries to match her up with his widowed dad, who thinks she is a math tutor.

- Michael Patrick Carter
(Frank Wheeler) - Melanie Griffith
- Ed Harris
- Adam LaVorgna
(Brad) - Malcolm McDowell
- Brian Christopher
(Kevin Clean) - Brian Fusco
(Kid) - Joshua Keller Katz
(Kid) - Nathan Williams
(Kid) - Aaron Jollay
(Nerd) - Jason Mathes
(Nerd) - Howard Newstate
BoyActors Reviews
18 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Enjoyable-enough movie with likeable performances by Michael Patrick Carter and Adam Lavorgna.
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I thought Adam and Michael did well, a good family movie, but I thought the Director made a mistake with the boys handling the cigarettes.
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Page Last Modified: 8th December 2007
Page Added: 16th March 2002
Page Views: 16567
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