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Himmel ohne Sterne

AKA: Sky Without Stars

Country: West Germany

Genre: Drama, Romance



It is 1952, and Germany is divided into occupation zones. Anna Kaminski lives in the Soviet occupied zone, but has a son (Rainer Stangl) living in the West. The boy's father was killed on the front after a three week romance, and the son is being taken care of by the father's parents. Anna has travelled back and forth from east to west to see her son for many years, but now the border is going to be closed. So she takes her son with her to the East, helped by a kindly Western policeman, Carl Altmann. Anna and Carl begin a romance, but as border security tightens so their relationship becomes increasingly strained.


  • Directed by German director Helmut K?utner (1908-1980), and based on his own 1955 novel of the same name.
  • This film had the misfortune to fall victim to a diplomatic skirmish which resulted in its cancellation from the 1956 Cannes Film Festival. It has since, however, come to be regarded as a masterpiece, and as one of director Helmut K?utner's outstanding cinematic works.
Picture for Himmel ohne Sterne


  • Erik Schumann
  • Eva Kotthaus
  • Rainer Stangl
  • Georg Thomalla
  • Gustav Knuth

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Page Last Modified: 21st March 2022
Page Added: 1st March 2020

Page Views: 1987

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