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TV Series

Country: UK

Genre: Children's, Sci-Fi



When two kids, Simon (Spencer Banks) and Liz, cross a Time Barrier they find themselves trapped in various periods of the 20th century, where they have all sorts of adventures, many of them involving the sinister Commander Traynor, who is also travelling through time.


  • Comprising 26 episodes, each just under 30 minutes in length. The episodes are organised in four successive serials, entitled "The Wrong End of Time" (6 episodes), "The Time of the Ice Box" (6 episodes), "The Year of the Burn Up" (8 episodes), and "The Day of the Clone" (6 episodes).
  • The series was originally recorded on colour videotape, except for episodes 23 and 24, which had to be recorded in black and white due to the so-called 'colour strike' (November 1970-February 1971), an industrial action by technicians working for ITV companies who, due to a pay dispute with their management, refused to work with colour television equipment. A scene for episode 25 had to be recorded during this period as well, which meant that episode 25 had also to be transmitted in black and white. Sometime in the early 1980s the original videotapes of this series were either wiped or disposed of. Only episode 12 survives in its original colour videotape format. The remaining episodes exist only as black and white telerecordings.
  • A novelisation of the first two serials - "The Wrong End of Time" and "The Time of the Ice Box" - was published by Pan Books to coincide with the broadcast of the series in 1970. The book is visible on-screen on a rack of books in episode 6 of the 1972 TV series "Tightrope", which also starred Spencer Banks in a lead role.

Reviews and Other Resources

Picture for Timeslip


  • Spencer Banks
    (Simon Randall)
  • Cheryl Burfield
  • Denis Quilley
  • Iris Russell
  • Derek Benfield

BoyActors Reviews

1 member reviews/ratings for this TV Show

Average and Weighted Ratings are only available once a TV Show has received at least 5 ratings

Most recent review listed first

Dividing Bar

Substantial, internally coherent series that takes the time to develop its storylines fully and isn't afraid to present difficult ideas to a young audience. Solid performances from all, with Spencer Banks's voice changing over the course of the series! The careful and tight writing stands up to, and rewards, multiple watches.

Must Watch My Movie Rating: Red StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed Star 9 / 10
Dividing Bar

Page Last Modified: 22nd March 2022
Page Added: 21st January 2020

Page Views: 2512

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