Piel de Cordero
Short Film
Country: Argentina
Genre: Drama
When their coach breaks down in the middle of nowhere, a group of children being taken on a pilgrimage encounter a mysterious group of feral children in the wilderness.
- Written and directed by Iv?n Noel, and recorded in July 2019, with the students of the Noel Films acting workshop.
- Duration: approximately 18 1/2 minutes
- The title of this film is Spanish for 'lambskin'.
Reviews and Other Resources
- Francisco Beas
- Camila N
- Faustina Martino
- Melani Sanabria
- Delfina Cardarelli
- Juliana Yung
- Esmeralda Mendoza
- Josefina Del Giudice
- Valentina Bossio
- Maximiliano Cragnolini
- Alexis Ledesma
- Thiago Bargas
- Carlos Ramallo
- Rafael Vasquez
- Thomas Vasquez
- Valentina Cortez
BoyActors Reviews
2 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
Average and Weighted Ratings are only available once a Movie has received at least 5 ratings
Most recent review listed first
Page Last Modified: 26th September 2020
Page Added: 22nd September 2019
Page Views: 2333
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