Children's Island
TV Series
Country: UK
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Family
At the height of the Blitz in World War II, two British boys, Stanley and his younger brother Tommy, are invited by the US President's grandson William to come to live in the United States. But when the ship they are travelling on is torpedoed and sunk enroute, the two boys, plus nine other children, find themselves marooned on an island in the Atlantic. When news of the sinking reaches America, William is distraught and guilt-ridden, but insists on continuing his search for the missing children, even when his grandfather insists that there no realistic hope that they could have survived.
- Comprising 8 episodes, each approximately 25 minutes in length
- Based on the 1948 novel "Insu-Pu" by Austrian author Mira Lobe (1913-1995)

- J.D. Roth
(William) - Stefan Gates
- Timothy Stark
(Tommy) - George Montgomery
- Richard Haines
- Roger Charteris
(Child) - Paul Lockwood
(Child) - Jason Norman
(Child) - Martin Bernstein
(Child) - Kevin Greetham
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Page Last Modified: 23rd March 2022
Page Added: 6th September 2019
Page Views: 4926
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