Menino da Calca Branca
Short Film
Country: Brazil
When a young boy from the Macedo Sobrinho favela (shanty town) in Rio de Janeiro gets a coveted pair of white trousers for Christmas his joy knows no bounds. Not getting them dirty, however, presents certain difficulties for a lively slum kid.
- Directed by the Brazilian actor, director and composer S?rgio Ricardo (b. 1932)
- The title of this film is Portuguese for "Boy in White Trousers".
- This short film is a little over 21 minutes in length and contains no spoken dialogue.
- Zezinho Gama
- Laura Figueiredo
- Sérgio Ricardo
- Wanda Daniel
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Page Last Modified: 10th July 2022
Page Added: 24th July 2019
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An excellent film. Although it did seemed strange for one to give a boy who gets dirty most of the time by playing with the other boys white trousers; the boy was able to work out this problem.
My Movie Rating: 10 / 10