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TV Series
Country: USA
This USA Network original series was a one hour drama based on the real life adventures of an undercover FBI family. In order to protect his family, Danny Arno chooses to include his family in his work for the FBI, rather than hide it from them.
Notable Guest Appearances
- Kyle Sullivan in episode 1.04 "Where Have You Gone, Sandy Koufax?" 2000
- Corbin Bleu in episode 1.07 "Our Mr. Brooks" 2000
- Kyle Sullivan in episode 1.07 "Our Mr. Brooks" 2000
BoyActors Reviews
2 member reviews/ratings for this TV Show
Average and Weighted Ratings are only available once a TV Show has received at least 5 ratings
Most recent review listed first

Great series. Unappreciated by viewers. Angarano is at his best.

Page Last Modified: 25th April 2022
Page Added: 2nd October 2001
Page Views: 13218
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I love the fact that the story centers on chance, and how the boy is the one who usually gets Dad out of trouble, by his wits and resourcefulness, (and SO cute doing it!) I didn't get to see all the Ep's because I had to work on Sundays, I would set my VCR to record them, but didn't always remember to.