Country: USA
Genre: Comedy
North appears to have everything - he?s the head of his class, a talented actor, and a star athlete, and he even has successful parents. However, his parents pay little attention to their son. So North embarks upon a globe-trotting trek around the world, visiting couples from Texas to Hawaii to Alaska as the stunned world follows. He is guided along his path of parental enlightenment by a mysterious stranger, who takes forms ranging from a bunny to a sleigh driver.

- Elijah Wood
(North) - Bruce Willis
- Jason Alexander
- Julia Louis-Dreyfus
- Matthew McCurley
(Winchell) - Jussie Smollett
(Adam) - Glenn Walker Harris Jr.
(Jeffrey Smith) - Ryan O'Neill
(Andy Wilson) - Tyler Gurciullo
(Stewart) - Jesse Zeigler
(Bud Nelson) - Brian Levinson
(Kid At Airport) - Alan Arkin
- Dan Aykroyd
- Reba McEntire
- Kathy Bates
- Kelly McGillis
- Tony T. Johnson
(Steve Johnson)
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An old premise is given the full Hollywood treatment to a less the satisfactory result. Its still fun to watch but keep your expectations low.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 16th April 2022
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 20316
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