Country: USA
Jack (Robin Williams) is a boy with an aging disorder which makes him age 4 times faster than normal. At 10 years of age he looks 40. He tries to go to school for the first time and makes friends with kids his own age but his physical appearance causes problems.

- Robin Williams
- Adam Zolotin
(Louie Durante) - Diane Lane
- Bill Cosby
- Mario Yedidia
(George) - Todd Bosley
(Eddie) - Jeremy Lelliott
(Johnny Duffer) - Seth Smith
(John-John) - Sam Ritzenberg
(Boy In Classroom) - Matt Kroot
(Older Eddie) - Jonathan Randell Silver
(Classroom Student) - Anthony DeSimone
(Classroom Student) - Rickey D'Shon Collins
BoyActors Reviews
12 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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A fun romp with boys! All the boys were cute, but I thought Jeremy was the cutest of the group! Robin williams IS just big kid at heart! so he was perfect to play Jack! and I'm sure he and the boys grew very close during the production.
I think the funniest scene is when the butterfly lands on the window sill!

Page Last Modified: 21st September 2014
Page Added: 20th September 2001
Page Views: 14895
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