The Tripods
TV Series
Genre: Adventure, Cult, Drama, Sci-Fi
In 2089, the world is ruled by the Tripods. All humans are 'capped' at the age of 16, a process which makes them less curious and rebellious, and more docile and contented, so that they come to accept their Tripod masters. People live a simple life and are familiar only with a level of technology comparable to that of the Middle Ages - but they live contentedly, without wars and aggression, giving thanks to the Tripods. However, in one English village, the miller's boy Will Parker (John Shackley), and his cousin Henry (Jim Baker), decide that they don't want to be capped. Learning of a place called the White Mountains where there are Free Men who live uncapped, they embark on a dangerous journey to find this place, joined en route by another lad nicknamed Beanpole (Ceri Seel). In the second season, Will finds himself in the Tripod City - the 'City of Gold' - where he discovers that a sinister fate awaits the human race unless the Tripods can somehow be overthrown.
- Based on The Tripods trilogy (1967-1968) by English science fiction writer John Christopher (1922-2012)
- This series comprises 25 episodes, each about 25 minutes in length. The first season of this series, transmitted 1984, comprised 13 episodes, and adapted "The White Mountains" (1967), which was the first volume of John Christopher's Tripods trilogy. The second season, transmitted 1985, comprised 12 episodes, and adapted "The City of Gold and Lead" (1968), which was the second volume of the trilogy. A third season which would have adapted "The Pool of Fire" (1968), the third and last volume of the trilogy - and which would have brought the story to its natural conclusion - was cancelled by the BBC before shooting began. This left the series ending with the cliffhanger that had been used to round off Season 2. The series has garnered much critical praise since its original transmission, as well as a cult following, and the decision to cancel the series has been subject to intense criticism. Seasons 1 and 2 have been made available on Region 2 DVD (Amazon link at top right of this page). The release includes a booklet explaining how the story would have been completed had Season 3 been produced.
- Jim Baker
(Henry Parker) - Ceri Seel
(Jean-Paul 'Beanpole' Deliet) - Robin Hayter
(Fritz - Season 2) - Roderick Horn
(Ozymandias - Season 1) - Christopher Guard [ALUMNUS]
(Cognosc - Season 2, voice only)
(Will Parker)
Page Last Modified: 25th November 2018
Page Added: 29th October 2018
Page Views: 3354
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