The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea
Country: UK
Genre: Drama
English boy Jonathan (Jonathan Kahn), who lives in a seaside town with his widowed mother Anne Osborne, is a member of a secret gang of boys, all of whom are under the spell of the 'Chief' (Earl Rhodes), a sadistic intellectual who argues that morality is a device created by feeble, hypocritical adults in order to obstruct the natural, 'perfect' order of the strong exploiting the weak. When Anne takes up with a rugged sailor called Jim, her son at first hero-worships the man. But as Jim falls in love with Anne, and decides to forgo his dangerous life on the seas in favour of settling down and marrying, Jonathan becomes embittered at what he perceives as Jim's betrayal of masculine heroism and 'the perfect order of the world'. The Chief shares his feelings of disgust, and together the gang concoct a plan to both take revenge on the adults and 'save' Jim from throwing away his heroism.
- Adapted from the 1963 novel (first English translation, 1965) by the great Japanese writer Yukio Mishima (1925-1970)

- Jonathan Kahn
(Jonathan Osborne) - Sarah Miles
(Anne Osborne) - Kris Kristofferson
(Jim Cameron) - Earl Rhodes
(Chief) - Paul Tropea
(Number Two) - Gary Lock
(Number Four) - Stephen Black
(Number Five) - Margo Cunningham
(Elizabeth Palmer) - Peter Clapham
(Richard Pettit) - Jennifer Tolman
(Mary Ingram)
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Page Last Modified: 18th October 2018
Page Added: 18th October 2018
Page Views: 4263
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