Short Film
Country: USA
Genre: Adventure
During their final trial as village 'lookouts', a troop of young scouts are ambushed by a basilisk - the very creature they were hunting. After a violent battle, the lone survivor, Pehn (Kelton Roney), escapes into the shadows of the Eyrewood, a mysterious and deadly forest, where he uses the memory of his mother and the words of his mentor to find the courage to confront his fate, and defeat the horrifying creature that now pursues him.
- Based on the 2009 Penny Arcade webcomic of the same name by Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins
- This short film (approximately 12 minutes) is available to view on Vimeo and on YouTube, as well as at the film's official website at lookoutsshortfilm.com.
- Kelton Roney
(Pehn) - Chris Cleveland
- Stefanie Estes
- Jack Estes
(Scout) - Charlie Ibsen
(Scout) - Kyle Walz-Smith
(Scout) - Justin Camera
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Page Last Modified: 27th March 2022
Page Added: 7th October 2018
Page Views: 2260
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