Hin Helgu vé
AKA: The Sacred Mound
Country: Iceland
Genre: Drama
While his mother goes on tour seven year old Gestur is sent to stay on a small island lighthouse in the west of Iceland where he falls in love with 20 year old Helga. When she introduces him to her fianc?e he deals with his growing jealousy by fantasizing that he is a Viking killing monsters who terrorize fair maidens...

- Steinthor Rafn Matthíasson
(Gestur) - Alda Sigurdardóttir
- Helgi Skúlason
- Tinna Finnbogadóttir
- Valdimar Örn Flygenring
- Edda Björgvinsdóttir
- Arne Nyberg
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Page Last Modified: 1st May 2016
Page Added: 5th September 2001
Page Views: 10648
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