Big Bully
Country: USA
Genre: Comedy
A writer returns to his hometown to teach high school. There he runs across his former nemesis, a bully that constantly harangued him, and now is the shop teacher. The bully's life has been in turmoil for a long time and the return of his old foil turns his life around. Meanwhile their kids have the opposite relationship.

- Rick Moranis
- Tom Arnold
- Blake Bashoff
(Ben) - Cody McMains
(Kirby) - Justin Jon Ross
(Young David) - Tyler Van Blankenstein
(Freckle-faced Kid) - Gregory Smith
(Kid #2) - Alexander Pollock
(Corky) - Kyle Labine
(Stevie) - Zachary Webb
(Kyle) - Eric Pospisil
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Rick Moranis and Tom Arnold make a good comic team.
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Page Last Modified: 31st October 2003
Page Added: 4th September 2001
Page Views: 13885
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